How to Give Yourself an At-Home Facial

Skin Science, How To

How to Give Yourself an At-Home Facial

by Anubha Charan
April 20, 2023

A great facial is the ultimate combination of skincare and self-care rolled into one luxuriously soothing and rejuvenating package. Not only does it perk up your complexion, leaving skin smooth, healthy, glowing and totally free of congestion, but all that pampering works double duty to soothe your frazzled nerves at the end of a long week.

A professional facial is the ultimate indulgence, but you can also learn how to give yourself a facial at home — no scheduling or commute required. And chances are most of what you need to whip up the perfect facial is already tucked away in your bathroom or kitchen cabinet.

Throw on a headband and pull your hair away from your face ... scented candles and soothing ocean sounds optional.

How To Give Yourself a Facial at Home in 7 Steps

Tips & tricks for
the best DIY spa

Remove Makeup

Start by cleaning your face with a makeup wipe or cotton pad soaked in an oil-based cleanser to dissolve any makeup.


Use your fingertips to massage a foaming cleanser into your skin for 60 seconds. Rinse to get rid of dirt and excess oil and create a fresh canvas for the rest of your facial.


Soak a cotton pad with an alpha or beta hydroxy acid exfoliator and swipe it across your face to remove dead cells and reveal younger, smoother skin underneath. Exfoliation also allows other products to penetrate better into your pores.


Submerge a washcloth in warm water and drape it over your face for 10 minutes to open up your pores so they can more effectively soak in active ingredients. Add a pinch of essential oils to enhance the spa experience!


Wet a cotton pad with toner and apply a thin layer across your face to balance your skin’s pH levels. Tailor it to your skin type: A salicylic acid formula will take care of oily skin, while an alcohol-free one is best for dry skin.


Start with 15-20 minutes of a clay or peel-off mask to purge your pores of congestion and shrink their appearance. Follow with a serum mask targeted to your skincare goals — a nourishing cream mask is great for dry skin, while a brightening mask boosts dull complexions.


Massage a hydrating moisturizer into your skin to tone facial muscles, boost lymphatic drainage, increase blood circulation and seal in all that other goodness. Stick with short, gentle, circular motions.

I am a skincare addict, book lover, shopaholic and world traveler, who can’t stay in one place!

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